sneaking in another card company to add to my national stationery show guide, cartolina cards hailing right here from british columbia. cartolina cards is the new line by fiona richards who designs the cards dominion post and salvage i wrote about this past year. this new line stays true to their vintage inspired roots featuring centuries old block prints and cartouches combined with twentieth century lead type and contemporary colours.
also, it was important for them to use recycled products and an eco-conscious printing process, so, their cards are printed on recycled paper that comes with the FSC ( Forest Stewardship Council) certification. which represents products produced from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood. a nice add-on to my green theme this week. their printer, (hemlock in vancouver) was named most environmentally friendly printer in canada at the 2006 and 2007 environmental printing awards. the FSC logo is displayed on the back of all of their cards. way to go fiona!
cartolina cards *new*
dominion post and salvage
Booth #1563