a couple of my favorites, the cupcake table, they say, "was meant to focus on function with a decorative detail".
" the white surface is made of inexpensive, yet durable countertop laminate which is easy to clean. the edge is detailed with a scallop to suggest a fancy tablecloth".
+materials. walnut, formica
+design. doha chebib

and the trophy mirror, they say on their site, " is influenced by taxidermy plaques. the outline is reminiscent of the hunting history associated with prized victories."
+materials. mirror
+design. carmen douville
loyal loot was invited to include dara humniski's coat hang in wallpaper magazine's "wallpaper world edit exhibtiion". the exhbition, designed by zaha hadid included 10 international creative centres and 10 cutting edge designs from each country. the exhibition took place during milan's international furniture fair, salone el mobile.