Artist Fun Facts Spotlights


Your Brand: Blue Poppy Jewelry
Your Blog:
What you dreamed of making as a child: I was always making something as a child... I'm not quite sure if there was a day when i didn't create..I started making jewelry on a beading loom at about the age of 10 but it wasn't until my early 20's that I settled in on making jewelry. Creating as a child was wasn't to appeal to consumers or to make money (Although now that I reflect back, there were a few neighborhood sidewalk sales) It was pure creative expression.
What do you dream of now: Traveling anywhere and everywhere...
Your motto: Love and you will be loved
Your hero: My son
Your favorite song:
Your favourite part of summer: Having our son out of school. I am fortunate to work at my home-based studio. Summer vacation for us means that we forfeit the 7:00am rush for waking up slowly and enjoying breakfast together.
Visit Blue Poppy Jewelry at this month's market here!


Name: Michelle Cavigliano of My Zoetrope
Your Brand:
Your Blog:
What you dreamed of making as a child: I used to doodle the "outfit changes" for my kindergarden "band."
What do you dream of now: Color, music, smiles, and painting all day long. So, pretty much the same thing.
Your motto: Everything works out in the end.
Your hero: My mom!
Your favorite song: "Lucky" by Radiohead
Your favourite part of summer: The parts that are full of sunshine, happiness, good music, and friends.
Visit My Zoetrope at this month's market here!


Name: BeCharmedDesigns
Your Brand:
What you dreamed of making as a child: I dreamt of making a magic wand, so I could grant everyone a wish... and a few extra ones for me.
What do you dream of now: I dream of all the adventures still to come.
Your motto: Live and let live
Your hero: Hmmmmm. All those Super Mom's out there...
Your favorite song: Anything motown gets me on the dance floor :)
Your favourite part of summer: Walking around in my bare feet and flip flops!
Visit BeCharmedDesigns at this month's market here!


Your Brand:
Your Blog: blurg..haven't made one yet!!
What you dreamed of making as a child: wings, to actually use. But i wanted to make stuffed toys, like for a stuffed toy company! Even thought it's not exactly what i imagined in my head, I'm kind of doing it right now! And that's pretty cool.
What do you dream of now: ha! i'll be honest: a house. and to be 'ok'
Your motto: stop talking about it and do it! like, stop talking about how you're gonna 'do something nice for someone' or 'break up with that guy', and do it!!! it's more impressive when it's done, not the idea of it.
Your hero: Lawren Harris. I read this really great biography about him once that basically said he was a rich kid who used his money to buy a studio building here in Toronto, where artists could work and live cheaply. And the rest is history!
Your favorite song: so very hard to choose! when i'm working, i always have junior boys on repeat, i could never get sick of them! But songs that really get me are wilco's "jesus etc." or joni mittchel's 'case of you' is at the root of everything i make or do
Your favourite part of summer: BBQ's at my sister's and no responsibilities or dead lines (if only for a short time)
Visit Thanks By Slo at this month's market here


Name: Angeline Woo
Your Brand:
Your Blog:
What you dreamed of making as a child: The ability to stop time
What do you dream of now: Giving my baby a magical childhood
Your motto: "If you don't love it, don't buy it"
Your hero: Kate Winslet + Meryl Streep for their dedication to their craft
Your favorite songs: Easy by Dragonette, A Cause de Garcon by Yelle, Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Your favourite part of summer: Watermelons and peaches, leisurely dining in the backyard, shorts and sundresses, summer nights
Visit Cake and Milk Paperie at this month's market here


Your Brand:
What you dreamed of making as a child: paperdolls, courtroom sketches
What do you dream of now: textiles
Your motto: making cards is like doing performance art (I make it, you write in it and send it off----cards have a life!)
Your hero: Roger Federer
Your favorite song: "Last Goodbye" by Jeff Buckley
Your favourite part of summer: 4th of July---my birthday is the 5th, I get fireworks every year!
Visit La Familia Green at this month's market here

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